Luca has been a speed freak and competitive guy since his early ages, he used to race pedal cars downhill at crazy speed coming back home full of bruises and scars, but he had always a smile in his face, I would say a grind, that make him say, tomorrow I'll do better and go even faster, no matter how hard I fall, I will rise my limits a litter higher!!!
Since those days many years have passed, but Luca's attitude hasn't changed, he is always looking to improve and to become better and better, this happened is school like in sports, he finished hi-school at age 17 and he was go-karting from that year and driving his first race car the same year, before getting his driving license!!
After many sacrifices, he was able to succeed in most sports he was competing in. He was winning kick boxing competitions, as well as Ice hockey tournaments and he went to Hawaii to begin to surf big waves and this dream experience that never stopped since then!!
He also got a Gliding license and is member of Italy's first acrobatic gliding team. Now after riding thousands of waves all round the planet, after flying in many skies performing Loops and many acrobatic maners, he has become a complete athlete brooding his objectives and prospective, becoming more mature and more conscious about his limits, so he can make of all his experiences a learning to improve his style and his flexibility to adapt to different stress situations and different and always new challenges.
All of his experiences made him a very calm person with a strong consciousness about his strengths and weaknesses that put together with his strenuous will to succeed make of him a winning machine always ready for a new challenge.